J122 Dummedha Jātaka


本生经122: 愚者本生

绘图/ 林芊如
设计/ 王宗使
编译/ 自在居友
审稿/ 陈语

The Flying White Elephant

Jātaka 122: Dummedha Jātaka
Being jealous of the royal elephant, the king designed to let it fall off the cliff. Will he succeed?

Readability level: Intermediate I
Illustrated by Lim Chian Ju
Designed by Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Zi Zai Ju
Proofread by Hon Vai Yee

愚者因象赢得了名声…” —— 一时,导师佛陀住在竹林精舍(Veḷuvana)时,开示关于提婆达多。
A fool gained his reputation from an elephant,” -- Once, when Buddha, the Teacher was living at Veḷuvana (Bamboo-grove), gave this Dhamma talk about Devadatta.

In the Dhamma hall, the bhikkhus were discussing about how bad virtue Devadatta is, said,


提婆达多见了这庄严的容姿,心中无法生起净信心,反而心生妒忌。若有人称赞: ‘佛陀具足如是戒、定、慧、解脱、解脱智见’。他听了无法忍耐,便生起妒忌之心。”

“The Teacher’s appearance is as glorious as the full moon, having the thirty-two major marks of a great person (mahāpurisa) and the eighty minor characteristics1. His body is surrounded by a circle of light which radiates light around like paired garlands, symbolizing that the Buddha has achieved the most wonderful glory.

When Devadatta saw Buddha’s dignifying appearance, faithfulness was unable to arise in his mind, instead, jealousy arose in his mind. When someone praises, ‘The Buddha possesses virtue, concentration, wisdom, liberation and knowledge of liberation perfectly,’ he could not bear it and became jealous.”

The Teacher entered the hall, sat on His seat and asked, “Bhikkhus, you are gathering here at this moment, what were you discussing?”

The bhikkhus told the Teacher their conversation.

The Teacher said, “Bhikkhus, it is not only now, even in the past Devadatta was jealous upon hearing my praises.”

Upon invited by the bhikkhus, the Teacher told the past.



In the past, when King Magadha was ruling Rājagaha in Magadha, the Bodhisatta was born as an elephant. His whole body is pure white and endowed with appearance achievement.

“它容相圆满。” 于是,国王便封它为象王。
“He is endowed with auspicious signs.” Thus, the king made him the royal elephant.

On one festive day, the whole city was decorated like a city of heaven. The king rode on the beautifully decorated royal elephant, surrounded the city under numerous entourages and guards.

Along the way, stood the crowd on the sidelines and marvelled at the glorious and magnificent white elephant, they exclaimed, “Oh, how beautiful! Oh, what a perfect step! Oh, how elegant! Oh, what a perfect appearance! Such a fine and pure white elephant is really worthy to be the elephant of the for a universal monarch!”

The crowd spoke in unison, only praising the royal elephant.

Upon hearing these praises, the king felt unbearable, he became jealous and thought, “Today, I will let him fall from the cliff and die.”

Therefore, he summoned the mahout (elephant trainer) and asked, “How well have you trained this elephant?”

“Your majesty, he is well trained,” said the mahout.
“No, he is not well trained,” said the king.
“Your majesty, he is really well trained,” said the mahout.
“If he is so well trained, can you get him climb to the top of Vepulla Mountain?” said the king.
“Yes, your majesty,” said the mahout.
“Then go over there,” said the king.

Hence, the king got off the elephant’s back and transferred to the mahout, the mahout then went to the foothill alone.

The mahout rode on the elephant’s back and ascended to the top of Vepulla Mountain. Whilst the king, surrounded by a group of court officials, also climbed up to the mountain.

He ordered to have the elephant stood on the edge of the cliff.

“现在,” 对着驯象师说,“如果它像你说的那样训练有素,就叫它用三只脚站立。”
“Now,” said to the mahout, “if he is as well-trained as you said, make him to stand on three legs.”

驯象师坐在象背上,脚跟向象作出手势,指示道:“我的朋友!三脚站立。” 大士跟着做了。
The mahout sat on the elephant’s back, gestured to the elephant with his heels and instructed, “My friend! Stand on three legs.” The Great Being did accordingly.

国王再说道:“让它用两只前脚站立。” 大士提起两只后脚,用前脚站立。
“Make him stand on his two forelegs,” said the king again. The Great Being raised his two hindlegs and stood on his fore-legs.

“Only on the hind-legs,” said the king again. The elephant raised his two forelegs and stood on hindlegs only.

再叫它:“用一只脚站立。” 于是大象举起三只脚,只用一只脚站立。
“Only on one leg,” said the king again. Then the elephant raised his three legs and stood on one leg only.

Knowing that the elephant would not fall, the king shouted, “Now if you can, make him stand in the air.”

The mahout thought, “In the whole Jambudīpa (India), it is impossible to have an elephant trained so well and perfectly. Undoubtedly, the king must want him to fall off the cliff and die.”

He whispered in the elephant’s ear, “Child! The king wants you to fall off the cliff and die. It seems that you are not corresponding to the king. If you have the ability to journey through the air, I will sit like this, you will take me up to the sky and fly to the city of Bārāṇasī!”

The Great Being has possessed righteousness merit and gained supernatural power, he immediately rose up to the sky.

Then said the mahout, “Great king! This elephant has possessed righteousness merit and gained supernatural power, he does not correspond with a fool with demerit, but corresponding with a wise and virtuous king. For such a demerit person, even if he gets this remarkable rider, he won’t know the value of his merits. In this way, he casted away his rider and the rest of his glorious achievements.”



The mahout seated on the elephant’s back and said this verse: --

“A fool gained reputation from the elephant,
But did unbeneficial things to himself;
Causing both self and others,
Into hurtful and painful situation.”

After preaching this verse to the king, he said, “Now, you stay there alone.”

Then he rose up to the sky, flew towards the city of Bārāṇasī and stopped in the mid-air of the royal courtyard.

The people in the whole city of Bārāṇasī were in sudden uproar, exclaiming, “The noble white elephant come through the air for our king and is hovering over the palace!”

The king, who was notified quickly, came out and said, “If you are here for my benefit and glory, set down to the ground.”

The Bodhisatta set down to the ground. Then the mahout got off the elephant’s back and paid respect to the king.

The king asked, “Child, where did you come from?”

The mahout answered, “From Rājagaha,” Upon the king’s enquiries, he told the whole incident.

“Children, how delightful you are to be here,” said the king.

With satisfaction and joy, the king had the whole city decorated rigorously and let the elephant live in his state-stable.

Then, he divided his kingdom into three parts, one for the Bodhisatta, one for the mahout and the remaining one for himself.

Since the arrival of the Bodhisatta, the whole of Jambudīpa fell into the king’s ruling and he became the Emperor of Jambudīpa (Aggarājā). He performed charitable and meritorious deeds throughout his life, until he passed away and reborn according to his kamma.


The Dhamma-teaching ended and the Teacher showed the connection between the previous birth and the present as follows, “At that time, Devadatta was the King of Magadha, Sāriputta was the King of Bārāṇasī, Ānanda was the mahout, and I myself was the elephant.”




1. 如何成为具福德 (功德) 的人?(实践十福业[2],如:随喜)

2. 什么是善友的素质?

3. 妒忌会有什么果报呢?
(a) 这一世的果报:————————
(b) 下一世的果报:————————

4. 这本生经中,当提婆达多或国王听到人们称赞别人,而不是自己时,心生妒忌。被妒忌心征服的他,竟然做了不好的决定和行为。
(a) 我们如何让自己不心生妒忌?
(b) 生起了怎么办?


“在此,有些女人或男人心怀嫉妒, 对他人的利得、恭敬、尊重、尊敬、礼拜、敬奉感到嫉妒、厌恶、妒忌。他如此完成、如此受持该业,身坏命终后,投生到苦界、恶趣、堕处、地狱。

假如身坏命终后并没有投生到苦界、恶趣、堕处、地狱,而是来到人界,则无论生在何处皆无威势 。

这就是导致无威势之道,即:心怀嫉妒, 对他人的利得、恭敬、尊重、尊敬、礼拜、敬奉感到嫉妒、厌恶、妒忌。”

“在此,又有些女人和男人无嫉妒心, 对他人的利得、恭敬、尊重、尊敬、礼拜、敬奉不嫉妒、不厌恶、不妒忌。他如此完成、如此受持该业,身怀命终后,投生到善趣、天界。


这就是导致大威势之道,即:无嫉妒心, 对他人的利得、恭敬、尊重、尊敬、礼拜、敬奉不嫉妒、不厌恶、不妒忌。”

—— 中部135经《小业分别经》

Teacher's Guide

Wisdom Questions:

1. How to become a meritorious person? (practising the Ten Merit-Work Bases2 e.g., sympathetic joy)

2. What are the qualities of a virtuous friend?

3. What are the results of jealousy?
(a) Results in this life: _________________
(b) Results in next life: _________________

4. In this Jātaka story, when Devadatta or the king heard the praise for others, instead of for himself, his jealousy aroused. Being conquered by jealousy, he made bad decisions and actions.
(a) How can we avoid jealousy?
(b) What should we do when it arises?


One Harbours Envy (Jealousy)
“Here, a woman or man is an envious one. Gain, honour, respect, reverence, obeisance, and homage [received by] another, she or he envies and begrudges, harbouring envy. Because of accomplishing and undertaking such actions, she or he at the breakup of the body, after death, in perdition, in a bad destination, in an infernal place, in hell is reborn.

But if she or he, at the breakup of the body, after death, in perdition, in a bad destination, in an infernal place, in hell is not reborn, if she or he as a human being returns, then wherever she or he is reborn, she or he is without influence.

This is the way, that leads to lack of influence, namely, one is envious. Another's [received] gain, honour, respect, reverence, obeisance, and homage, one envies and begrudges, harbouring envy.”

One Does Not Harbour Envy
“But here, a woman or man is an unenvious one. Gain, honour, respect, reverence, obeisance, and homage [received by] another, she or he does not envy and does not begrudge, not harbouring envy. Because of accomplishing and undertaking such actions, she or he at the breakup of the body, after death, in a good destination, a heavenly world is reborn.

But if she or he at the breakup of the body, after death, in a good destination, a heavenly world is not reborn, if she or he as a human being returns, then wherever she or he is reborn, she or he has great influence.

This is the way, that leads to great influence, namely, one is not envious. Ano­ther's [received] gain, honour, respect, reverence, obeisance, and homage, one does not envy and does not begrudge, one does not harbour envy.”

-- MN 135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta


省思 Reflection


Do you want to have great influence? If you do, you should try to be a woman or man who does not envy or begrudge the gain, honour, respect, reverence, obeisance and devotion received by others. Instead, you should rejoice: that is what we called sympathetic joy. Such are the wor­k­ings of kamma.

[1] 三十二相、八十种好是佛陀及转轮圣王的特相。
Thirty-two great marks and eighty minor characteristics are the characteristics of the Buddha and the universal monarch.

[2] 十福业 (dasa puññakiriyā-vatthu): 布施dāna、持戒 sīla、禅修bhāvana、尊敬/恭敬 apacāyana、服务veyyāvacca、回向功德pattidāna、随喜功德 pattānumodanā、听闻佛法dhamma-savaṇa、弘扬佛法 dhamma-desanā、正直己见 diṭṭhijukamma。
Ten Merit-Work Bases (dasa puññakiriyā-vatthu): dāna (charity), sīla (morality), bhāvana (meditation), apacāyana (giving due respect to others), veyyāvacca (rendering service and assistance), pattidāna (sharing merits), pattānumodanā (rejoicing at and appreciation of merits of others), Dhamma-savana (listening to the Dhamma), dhamma-desanā (teaching the Dhamma to others), diṭṭhijukamma (upright one’s view).
